Am I secure visiting a web site?

It is normal, knowing the threats that exist in Computer systems and on the Internet, that we could be scared of surfing the web. It is valid to be scared of web sites and to doubt about their security and their countermeasures. Any web site or web page can be a target for people to  attack or can have an unintentional threat within it. What are we supposed to do? Do not use the Internet?

Image result for no internet meme

Continue reading “Am I secure visiting a web site?”

How to protect?

When people know they are in danger, what do they tend to do? Yes, people tend to protect their selves. How can we protect in these cases? There are a lot of countermeasures we can implement or follow. These may not eradicate the problem, but will definitely lessen the threats and make you feel safe.

Image result for malware countermeasure memes

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Long story short about unintentional threats

So far I have been writing about a lot of issues with the Internet and computer’s security. And there are a lot more of issues. All these issues are called intentional threats, but there also exist unintentional threats? WTF? How come there are unintentional threats? What do you mean?

Continue reading “Long story short about unintentional threats”