What hat colors mean.

Has anyone tell you that the way you dress talks about your self and your personality? This is a common thing. You can know facts about people just by the way they dress. Another common thing is the matching or mismatching clothes colors on purpose or use certain color because they make you look better. This is, somehow, the case of hackers.

Image result for red hat meme

As I wrote on my last blog post, hackers are not always bad. People around the world have created this direct connection between hacking and harming. Hackers are normal people like you and me. These people are characterized for breaking cyber security of ensuring it, either in good or bad ways. Again, what makes them different is:

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Should cyber security be ethically illegal?

Ok, let’s be honest, there is a really thin line between being good and bad in any sense. For example, think of politicians or CEOs, they have a lot of power and they can choose between doing good and bad things. And, well, of course, I think we can all agree that power corrupts people, or at least makes it easier for people to corrupt.

This also happens in cyber security. You might be asking with whom in cyber security. In cyber security, there are people called hackers. People think hackers are always bad people. Let’s make something clear, hackers are not always bad. In fact, there exists different types of hackers, which I will talk about on my next blog post.

Image result for Ethical security meme

So, what makes good hackers good, and bad hackers bad? One simple word:

Image result for Ethical security meme

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Tour del horror [ES]

El día de ayer me encontré haciendo un ensayo acerca de una problemática en Jalisco. Era una tarea, pero quisiera compartirlo, ya que es una realidad de nuestro país México.

El tour del horror fue una experiencia interesante e impactante, para mí. Estoy muy consciente que lo que es “la realidad” es muy diferente para cada individuo, ya que depende en su contexto y experiencias. De la misma manera, sé que existen problemas en el país y que hay comunidades marginada o que viven en situaciones críticas. Lo que me impactó fue el ver esos problemas; no solo entender que existen, si no experimentarlas y verlas tangibles. Me sucedió como se dice en muchos lugares, “ver para creer”.

El problema principal, en mi opinión, es la despreocupación del gobierno por el pueblo, su gente; y la preocupación por quedar bien con empresas extranjeras y generar dinero. No les importa el costo (hablando de las personas y su calidad de vida), mientras que ellos generen ganancias, al igual que las empresas.

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The CIA of cybersecurity


We all know the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). But, nowadays, how many of us trust in them? Same as the government, the FBI, etc. Anyways, we are not here to discuss that. When I name the CIA, I do not mean the agency, but the CIA triad.

What is the CIA triad? The CIA Triad is a model designed for information security. CIA stands for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. It is often referred to as de AIC, to avoid confusion with the agency.

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